Main Headline University News

IFTM Hosts Shunde Polytechnic Faculty and Students in PATA Macau Chapter Educational Tour in Macao

中文摘要 / Summary in Chinese

Macao Institute for Tourism Studies (IFTM), together with Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Macau Chapter and Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO), led an educational tour to Macao for faculty and students from the School of Hospitality & Tourism Management of Shunde Polytechnic from 29 to 31 August 2023 to study the latest development of the tourism industry, as well as its tourism districts, entertainment complexes and more. The group learnt about the latest developments in the tourism industry and how tourism can be a tool for cultural preservation. Being Asia’s best and placed 10th in the world in terms of higher education institution offering programmes in hospitality and leisure management, IFTM is the second to none host for the group.

Along with the academic presentations about the educational tour theme by the professional lecturers of IFTM, Ms. Jocelyn Wong, Chairlady of PATA Macau Chapter, and Mr. William Wong Seng Kam from MGTO, introduced the development of the tourism industry in Macao to the group of students and faculty from Shunde. It is hoped that through academic theories and field trips, the group can analyse the strengths of both regions, complement one another’s capabilities and enhance regional co-operation  to make a greater impact on the future development of the areas.

Ms. Jocelyn Wong highlighted the tourism development in the Asia-Pacific region and pointed out the role of APTA in promoting sustainable development locally and regionally. Mr. William Wong explored with the participants the marketing strategy of “Tourism plus” development to enhance destination attractiveness by integrating festivals, food, sports and MICE experiences, and discussed with them the identification of barriers and solutions to regional tourism co-operation. The seminar focused on the cross-border co-operation, cultural differences and sustainability in promoting tourism experience and economic growth, and also arranged for participants to learn about Macao’s major culinary attractions and taste the delicacies, so as to appreciate the charm of Macao’s cultural and gastronomic capital.

Through this educational tour, participants were able to fully understand the latest tourism development in the Asia-Pacific region and the role of PATA. Taking the Greater Bay Area as an example, they were able to appreciate how different cities and attractions can co-operate with each other to promote regional tourism while preserving the local culture and cultural heritage.

The School of Continuing Education (SCE) of IFTM nurtures professional talents in various aspects, providing professional customised courses, educational activities, vocational skills training, international accreditation courses and assessments. The courses cover a wide range of topics, including hospitality, heritage and tourism, MICE, retail, premium services, food and beverage, as well as training in creative studies, information technology, health and wellness, language, business management, finance and Portuguese-speaking countries, etc., and are tailor-made according to the needs of different people, in order to be able to achieve the right target. SCE also brings more learning opportunities to the people of Macao, so that they can seek new paths for their personal growth and career development and meet more opportunities and new challenges.